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Dieser Text ist mehrsprachig änderbar. Klicken Sie einfach auf die Schaltfläche »Inhalte« in xaranshop®V5.0 Dies ist eine Demonstration der Shopsoftware xaranshop®V5.0 Bestellungen werden nicht berücksichtigt und nicht bearbeitet. Sie können selbstverständlich zu Testzwecken eine Testbestellung durchführen.
The sunflower is certainly one of the most popular flower at all. Originally, the plant is native to North and Central America.
[tabs: naming] A special feature of the sunflower is that it turns to the sun during the day. The flowers form itself, and this peculiarity of the plant have surely given the name. [/ Tabs] [tabs: location] sunflowers should be sown directly outdoors in nutrient-rich soil in early April, several plants with a distance of about 50cm. The plants germinate often reached after about 1 weeks and until the autumn, a height of 2m or more. There have raised almost every year, reports of avid amateur gardeners in the local newspaper, the sunflowers, with a height of 3 or 4m in the garden. In summer, the sunflower should be frequently watered. Sunflowers in the home garden have no sheltered location, so it is advisable to tie the plants. A strong summer storm, unfortunately, usually leads to the twisting of the plants. [/ Tabs] [tabs: Use of sunflower seeds] In the fall of the flowers can be dried and the sunflower seeds for bird feed in winter for the next year or used as seed. [/ tabs] This item is available from Tuesday, 02.03.2010 16:41 to Thursday, 31.12.2099 23:59.
GTIN: 22222220
Shipping costs: 5,00 Taler
Inventory: 4002 Stück
Stock: Regal S92
weight: 3,20 kg
Manufacturer: Demo Hobbygärtner GmbH
Vendor No.: S56-2697
This item is available from Wednesday, 01.04.2009 15:00.
This item was edited on Tuesday, 29.05.2012 11:39.
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